Our Programme
At our monthly meetings we have speakers and demonstrations on a wide range of subjects to suit all tastes followed by tea and (very large!) slices of cake.
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday 18th February when we will be having a talk by Ali Warren about "What Lies Beneath: History of Corsets, Knickers & Petticoats".
About Us
Formed in 1965, Blunsdon WI is a lively group of women of all ages who meet at 7.30pm every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the small hall in Blunsdon Village Hall which is situated on the High Street.
Visitors are very welcome - please contact us for more details, or just pop along and meet us.
Latest News
We have a thriving Book Club and Film Club, both of which meet informally about every 6 weeks. Current book: ‘Frank & Red’ by Matt Coyne. Current film: 'Ladies in Lavender'. We also organise walks, theatre trips and outings to places of interest.
Moreover, members are able to take advantage of a wide variety of courses, activities and events organised by the Wiltshire Federation.